
Bumarin For Sculptor - Blender 4.1 (addon with infinite update)

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Bumarin For Sculptor - Blender 4.1 (addon with infinite update)

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What is Bumarin?

Bumarin is an environment in which the user draws 3D mesh thanks to the grease pencil. The initial idea is based on the approach of traditional sculpture that from a set of clay pieces generates a unified sculpture. Bumarin thus proposes 7 pencils allowing to generate 3D pieces of clay, each pencil having its own specificity.

Why Bumarin For Sculptor?

What you draw is what you sculpt (WYDIWYS).

Behind each grease pencil stroke there is an hidden 3D mesh and it only depends on you to reveal it with your creativity ... It's a totally new way of sculpting and concept sketching!

What is it made for?

Bumarin is useful for:

  • Sculptinganatomy, organic /fractal modeling
  • Prototyping and concept sketching

Block in shapes pencil

Build your sculpture step by step by drawing each piece of clay and stacking them on top of each other

Instant brushes creation

With a fonctionality called Sonic Bum, Bumarin allows you to create your own 3D brushes instantly.

Manage chaos with simplicity

The Tubepencil use is a way to construct a tube topology in order to manage and apply brush above the surface of your model. Sculpting fur, grass, scale or feathering is so easy now!

Easy anatomy modeling with the fiber generator

Muscle fiber generation becomes child's play with the new fiber feature which turn a simple tube into a bundle of muscle.


  • 7 pencils: Claypencil, Tubepencil, Revpencil, Dynaclay, Dynatube, Sonic Bum and Leeloo
  • Parametric clays (adjust manually or through parameters your clays)
  • Instant brushes creation with the Sonic Bum brush manager or with Geometry nodes
  • Sonic clay and Sonic Draw (extend your clay or your draw into multiple instances)
  • Better shape control (each clay is a shape you can edit easily as if it was a Mask)
  • Smart remeshing (live voxel and decimate tool, decimate by island, Quadriflow)
  • Generate high detailed geometry models in few seconds
  • Fractal / pattern recognition oriented modeling
  • Manage a splitted model / unified sculpt (Clay mode / Baked mode)Create and share your own brushes

What will you find in the package?

  • Bumarin addon
  • Documentation
  • Video tutorials

For more information you can contact me on facebook, visit my youtube channel or take a look at Bumarin basics.


  • 04/03/2024-April 2024 update v0.1.4 for blender 4.1

C-Sphere / C-spherization

-C-sphere mode activable for Tubepencil and Claypencil and C-spherization button in the Mesh section of the panel allows to turn every clays into bunch of spheres.

Documentation update

-Every new features from BFS 0.13 and BFS 0.14 has been added to the documentation (pages 14,15,16,17)

  • 11/15/2023-November 2023 update v0.1.3 for blender 4.0

Tubepencil (RevTubepencil)
-Tube creation functionality by drawing an axis and the profile and by pressing [SPACE] instead of [RMB] after drawing
- Storing profile for Tubepencil in the panel with the Eyedropper
- Tube to Tube radius transmission allows the transmission of shape (predefined) through the Tubes

-Function of cutting clay from other clay meshes with [ENTER] or [ALT][LMB]. (Clays need to be converted to mesh with [CTRL][LMB] before applying Cutter)

-Added in the action panel the possibility of making the gizmo appear or disappear in CLAY mode

-Reset deform parameter (old value -0.35)

Baked mode
-Unification of clays in BAKED MODE with addition of the Unify button in the BAKED MODE panel

Memory optimization
-From now on each time Bumarin is launched freed memory of data still present and not used anymore

  • 03/30/2023-March 2023 update v0.1.2 for blender3.5

-Optimization of the number of points for each grease pencil stroke
By adding in the panel a property that allows the adjustment of the Factor parameter of the modifier simplify of the grease pencil

-Geometry node integration

Management / optimization of the number of mesh points (without the skin modifier)
=> add a geonode on the fly, convert to curve then apply a new curve resolution then convert to mesh

-new pencil which draws a curve and adds a geometry node to it (equivalent to a Sonic Bum but with the random factor in addition)

-Action allows the user to spread objects over the surface of a Clay converts to mesh

Possibility for the user to import his own Geometry nodes for Geomud or Geoclay

  • 1/15/2023-November 2023 update v0.1.3 for blender 4.0

Tubepencil (RevTubepencil)
-Tube creation functionality by drawing an axis and the profile and by pressing [SPACE] instead of [RMB] after drawing
- Storing profile for Tubepencil in the panel with the Eyedropper
- Tube to Tube radius transmission allows the transmission of shape (predefined) through the Tubes

Cutter-Function of cutting clay from other clay meshes with [ENTER] or [ALT][LMB]. (Clays need to be converted to mesh with [CTRL][LMB] before applying Cutter)

-Added in the action panel the possibility of making the gizmo appear or disappear in CLAY mode

-Reset deform parameter (old value -0.35)

Baked mode
-Unification of clays in BAKED MODE with addition of the Unify button in the BAKED MODE panel

Memory optimization
-From now on each time Bumarin is launched freed memory of data still present and not used anymore

  • 09/28/2022-September 2022 update v0.1.1 for blender3.3

*Every strokes generated by Sonic Draw are now joined

*Shrinkwrap parameter added for the greasepencil to fit the draw to surfaces

*Tube from Tubepencil can be transformed into fibers (horizontal and vertical fibers)

*Convert (single or grouped)Tubepencil stroke into Sonic Bum strokes

  • 12/07/2021-December 2021 update v0.1.0 for blender3.0

DynaClay bevel depth default value set to 0.11

* [CTRL+MOUSEWHEEL] => increase / decrease thickness 

* [SHIFT+MOUSEWHEEL] => increase / decrease deform

* [ALT+MOUSEWHEEL] => increase / decrease depth

SonicBum to Tube / Tube to SonicBum

It is now possible to convert SonicBum clay  into a Tubepencil clay

or convert a Tubepencil clay into a SonicBum clay.


*With the new Brush parameter include in the panel you can choose the Fit type (count or curve or length) of the array which determine the aspect of your SonicBum clay.

* Grease pencil primitives (line, polyline, arc, box, circle) are usable with the SonicBum pencil.

SonicDraw (for the Tubepencil, DynaTube pencil and SonicBum pencil)

* [BACK_SPACE] Add / apply an array of grease pencil

* [=] Toggle between gpencil and the sonicdraw_empty

Activation of sculpt mode for each pencil in Draw mode

* [PAGE_UP] sculpt mode enable/disable 

  • 06/05/2021-June 2021 update v0.0.9 for blender2.93-Sonic Bum Brushes manager with live update for brush preview.-Transmission of parameters from brush to strokes and from stroke to brush-Bumarin suspend allows now to suspend Bumarin and restore the user config before the Bumarin launch.

  • 03/03/2021 - March 2021 update v0.0.8 for blender2.92


-Catmull clark/simple subdivision parameter before drawing

-Single arrow gizmo and desactivation of the scale for the revpencil empty


-[SHIFT][MOUSEWHEEL] to adjust the voxel size when voxel remesh is activated

-Sonic Boom multi strokes in one shot (Scribble modeling)

-[LEFT_CTRL][LEFTCLICK] convert to mesh

-[RMB] or [BACKSPACE] to add proxy for Leeloo pencil in DRAWING mode

-fixes: Voxel remesh modifier added after Sonic Bum strokes is converted to mesh and after a Sonic Clay action on a Dynatube clay.

-Sonicclay is now adapted to each type of clay.

Sonicclay on Claypencil clay and Tubepencil clay is non destructive (the clay is not converted to mesh)

-Bug fixes for the symetrize operator

-Decimate modifier not applied anymore during the Sonicclay process to avoid the destruction of clay

-After the conversion of hair to Dynatube clay, voxel remesh /decimate and mirror modifiers are added to the clay

-set origin to geometry for each clay baked

*Known mesh artefacts

Dirty mesh for Claypencil clay and Leeloo clay when the grease pencil stroke is too concave

  • 12/01/2020 - December 2020 update v0.0.7 for blender2.91

*Quad Remeshing operators (select one or more clays)

-Quadriflow remesher / Live voxel / Island decimate

-Joiner remesher (weld and quadremesh)

-Automerge remesher (Apply all modifier and quadremesh)

-Union (Boolean union of clays)

*External object can be included inside Bumarin environment

*Collections can be added into the Bumarin clay collection to organize your scene

*Bumarin environment changes (Central arrow thikness of pencils are bigger ,Color of clays are softer)

*Shortcut for selection of the instant array curve

BFS v0.06 shortcut was [alt]

BFS v0.07 shortcut is [ctrl+alt] to select the instant array curve

=> alt key is free for Blender basic operations

*Sketchpencil (Make blueprint before modeling)

*Hair particle to Dynatube (convert hair to Dynatube clays)

  • 09/01/2020 - September 2020 update v0.0.6 for blender2.90

-Spatial distribution of clays with the "Sonic clays" feature

-Management of thousands of clays with a new selection tool

-Multiple strokes to multiple clays in one shot (for Claypencil, Tubepencil and Leeloo)

-Quadriflow remesher integration

-Clay splitter and Joiner remesher

-Control of resolution of clays with Dynamic decimate

-Documentation updated

06/04/2020 - June 2020 update v0.0.5 for blender2.83

-Leeloo full panel action is available

-UI and display optimisation (Gizmo display in Clay mode when DynaClay is activated, Stroke color visibility)

-Documentation updated

  • 03/26/2020 - March 2020 update v0.0.4 for blender2.82

-batch remeshing (select bunch of clay and press <)

-BUG fixes: claypencil meshes are not dirty anymore

-7 pencils

-Sonic Bum usage is the same as others pencils now.

-Leeloo is the new cross-section pencil (experimental)

-New GUI Panel (for Tablet PC users)

-Bumarin Pie menu

02/21/2020 - February 2020 update v0.0.3

-New parameter factor for Tubepencil (fountain pen style stroke)

-Management of every paramaters of Dynaclay before drawing

-BUG fixes

*Instant array (Sonic bum) is ok with geometric stroke

*Stylus is ok with freehand stroke in Dynaclay pencil mode

-Live decimate in panel for clay meshes

-New key to convert clay into symetrical mesh : '>'

-Documentation updated

01/25/2020 - January 2020 update v0.0.2

-Drawing flow (LMB-RMB)

Once you have activated your pencil (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, or F6)

1-LMB to draw

2-RMB to generate clay

3-LMB to position cursor for the next stroke

4-RMB to activate draw



*multiple tube in one drawing

-Symetry / bisect activation in panel for each pencil

*Auto merging of clay with the central axis


*Contextual remeshing relative to the volume of the mesh

*Adaptative remeshing for sharp edges (Dynaclay and Dynatube)

-User Interface

*Bezier style control point for each predefined stroke shapes (line, arc, curve, box, circle)

*Background color of the user environment (color can be changed in the viewport shading)

12/10/2019 - DynaClay update

- Now if you use the Deform parameter on a clay generated by Dynaclay and remesh it with F11 or '<', the deformation is preserved.

- Sonic Bum works correctly with every clay generated by Dynaclay

11/26/2019 - Full version release

-Bumarin 3D Clay pencils becomes Bumarin For Sculptor.

- GUI is now contextual and dynamic

-The voxel remesher introduces into blender2.81 allows now clays unification.

-Dynatube is now customizable with the Sharpener.

-Instant array with Sonic Bum

11/19/2019 - Last update of experimental version08/19/2019 - First update of experimental version

Buttons added for saving and exit Bumarin session or toggle to full screen. Now when you quit a session if you are a 'left click select' user every parameters are restored. Cursor positioning is now very accurate for each pencils.

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